How to Supplement Calcium to Laying Hens
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How to Supplement Calcium to Laying Hens

Wysłany: 2023-08-24     Źródło: Ta strona

Calcium is the main component of egg shell, so to improve egg production, calcium is an essential nutrient. However, calcium supplementation for laying hens is not as much as possible, and attention should be paid to time and dosage.

1. Pay attention to the ratio of calcium to phosphorus:

When supplementing calcium, we should not only pay attention to the content of calcium, but also phosphorus. Controlling the ratio of calcium to phosphorus can make calcium better absorbed.

Suitable calcium eggshell powder is the first choice, followed by shell powder and bone meal. The particle size of eggshell powder is uniform and moderate, and it has a relatively suitable ratio of calcium and phosphorus, which is suitable for the feeding habits of chickens and is conducive to the digestion and absorption of calcium. Compared with it, shell powder, bone meal, etc. have uneven particle sizes, and the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is quite different from that required for laying eggs, so its effect is second.

2. Calcium supplementation for chickens two weeks before laying eggs

Chickens have a process from digestion and absorption to utilization of feed. In order to make chickens produce more eggs and produce high-quality eggs, calcium supplementation should be started two weeks before laying eggs. Practice has proved that the calcium content in the diet of laying hens is better at 3%-3.5%. This can prevent the lack of calcium in the laying hen without using the calcium source in the bone marrow, and can ensure the calcium demand of the chicken during normal egg production.

3. Pay attention to the addition of phosphorus and vitamins

The absorption of calcium by chickens will be affected by the ratio of calcium to phosphorus. Only when the ratio of calcium to phosphorus is balanced can calcium be better utilized. Generally, the range is 2:1-1:1, and the absorption rate is higher. At the same time, attention should be paid to supplementing vitamin D3 to promote the absorption of calcium in the small intestine and the normal calcification of bone marrow. It is beneficial to improve eggshell quality and egg production rate.

4. Feed calcium feed separately from other feed

Feeding separately can maximize the utilization of calcium and avoid waste of calcium. Feed low-calcium feed when the demand for calcium is low, and feed calcium raw materials when the demand for calcium is large. This can not only supplement calcium in a targeted manner, but also appropriately increase the intake of other nutrients and reduce the waste of calcium.


According to the physiological characteristics of laying hens, calcium is supplemented when calcium is needed to increase the utilization rate of calcium feed.

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