What does glucose mean?
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What does glucose mean?

Wysłany: 2022-04-22     Źródło: Ta strona

Glucose is an organic compound with the formula C6H12O6. It is the most widespread and important monosaccharide in nature and a polyhydroxyaldehyde. Pure glucose is a colorless crystal with sweet taste, but not as sweet as sucrose, easily soluble in water, easily soluble in ethanol, insoluble in ether. Natural aqueous glucose solution is optically turned to the right, so belongs to the "dextrose".

  • What is the use of glucose in the chemical industry?

  • How is glucose synthesized and converted?

  • How is glucose produced?

What is the use of glucose in the chemical industry?

glucose is also widely used in industry. It is used as a reducing agent in the printing, dyeing and tanning industries. glucose is also widely used as a reducing agent in the chemical silver plating industry, such as the mirror manufacturing industry, the silver plating of thermos bottles, and the silver plating of glass fibers.

Application of glucose in the production of chromium tanning agents in the tanning industry: chromium tanning agents are the best tanning agents for the production of light leather (shoe leather, garment leather). Tanning with chromium salts has been around for hundreds of years. The leather produced has the characteristics of high shrinkage temperature, good elasticity, bending strength, washing resistance, strength and durability. The chromium tanning agent is mainly alkaline chromium sulfate (alkaline chromium chloride can also be used, but its tanning effect is worse than that of chromium sulfate). Its manufacturing process uses glucose or sulfur dioxide as a reducing agent and reduces dichromate to alkaline chromium sulfate in a sulfuric acid solution, i.e. a chromium tanning liquid is produced. After the tanning liquid has been concentrated and dried, a powdered chrome tanning agent can be obtained.

How is glucose synthesized and converted?

Glucose can be hydrogenated, oxidized, isomerized, alkaline degraded, esterified, acetalized, etc., synthesized or converted into other products. Such as hydrogenation for the production of sorbitol; oxidation for the production of glucuronic acid, disic acid, etc., which can be further processed into calcium acid, sodium acid, zinc acid and glucono delta lactone; Isomerization to F42, F55, F90 fructose syrup and crystal fructose; can also be isomerized to mannose (raw material for the production of mannitol), in which sorbitol can further produce vitamin C, which is widely used in clinical treatment, and mannitol 15% is clinically used as a safe and effective means of reducing intracranial levels. Compression drugs for the treatment of brain edema and glaucoma.

How is glucose produced?

1.The aqueous saccharide solution obtained by partial hydrolysis of edible corn starch with food grade acid and/or enzyme is purified and concentrated. Due to the different degree of hydrolysis, the amount of D-glucose contained can vary greatly. Made from corn starch, it is called "corn syrup".

2. glucose can be obtained from starch by hydrolysis of hydrochloric acid or dilute sulfuric acid. It can also be made from starch under the action of a starch sugaring enzyme.

That is the information about the glucose. If you want to get more information about the glucose, please connect POLIFAR GROUP LIMITED. They will be very pleased to help you with your problems.

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