What is the meaning of L-glycine?
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What is the meaning of L-glycine?

Wysłany: 2022-07-05     Źródło: Ta strona

L-glycine is a non-essential amino acid whose chemical formula is C2H5NO2. L-glycine is the constituent amino acid of endogenous antioxidant reduced glutathione and is often supplemented by exogenous sources when the body is under severe stress.

  • What are the uses of L-glycine?

  • What is the other function of L-glycine?

  • What are the physiological effects of L-glycine?

What are the uses of L-glycine?

1. Food use:

L-glycine is used as biochemical reagent for drugs, feed and food additives, as non-toxic decarburizer in nitrogen fertilizer industry; as a dietary supplement, mainly for seasoning, etc.; it has a certain inhibitory effect on the reproduction of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Antioxidant effect added to cream, cheese and margarine (due to the metal chelate effect) can extend the shelf life by three to four times.

2. Medical purposes:

L-glycine is used as a drug for medical microbiology and biochemical amino acid metabolism research; it is used as chlorotetracycline buffer, anti-Parkinson drug L-dopa, vitamin B6 and threonine and other amino acids. The combined use can reduce the irritation of the stomach; As a source of nitrogen for the production of non-essential amino acids, it is added to the mixed amino acid injection.

3. Agricultural use:

It is mainly used as an additive and attractant to increase amino acids in feed for poultry, livestock and poultry, especially pets. L-glycine is used as an additive for hydrolyzed protein, as a synergist for hydrolyzed protein; In pesticide production, it is used for the synthesis of glycineethyl ester hydrochloride, an intermediate for pyrethroid insecticides, as well as for the synthesis of fungicides isoflumurone and solid herbicides glyphosate.

What is the other function of L-glycine?

Industrial area

L-glycine is used in pharmaceutical industry, biochemical testing and organic synthesis; it is used as raw material for cephalosporins, as intermediate for thiamphenicol, as intermediate for the synthesis of imidazole acetic acid, etc. used.

Reagent area

L-glycine is used in peptide synthesis as an amino acid protective monomer; for the production of tissue culture media and for the examination of copper, gold and silver; Since glycine is a hybrid with amino and carboxyl groups, it has strong buffering properties. Often used as a preparation buffer.

What are the physiological effects of L-glycine?

In the central nervous system, especially in the spine, L-glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. When the L-glycine receptor is activated, chloride ions enter the nerve cell via the ion receptor, which leads to an inhibitory postsynaptic potential. Strychnine is an antagonist of these ion receptors. In mice, the LD50 index is 0.96 mg/kg body weight, and the cause of death is hyperexcitability. Glycine and glutamate are both agonists in the central nervous system. L-glycine is considered the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter alongside GABA. L-glycine is widely used in the CNS and plays an important fundamental role in the transmission of nerve signals and in various physiological and pathological reactions.

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